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#1 in Enterprise IT

G´s Group Holdings uses fast and modern ERP Dynamics 365 Business Central

The main objectives of the project were to speed up and make more transparent information on the performance of individual companies. Consolidating data and automating the exchange of documents across the group was essential.

Realization 2021

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Customer profile

G´s Group Holdings CZ s. r. o., a member of the Shropshire Group, brings together companies engaged in agricultural production, food production and trade. In the production of various types of salads, onions and flowers, the company is one of the largest producers in the Czech Republic. The company's aim is to supply safe, wholesome and high quality fresh food.

The implementation of the new D365 Business Central system has taken us a long way forward. It was not only the system itself that did it, but mainly the optimization of processes and the setting of new rules that were the basis for the successful implementation. The new system involved most of the employees in data collection and increased the demands on their expertise. However, the result is real statistics that can be easily viewed at any time and, thanks to the centralisation of the dials, the results of the companies can be easily compared with each other. AUTOCONT has helped us in every way and has always found solutions to all problems. Due to the extensive possibilities of the new system, we are counting on them for the further expansion of the use of the IS.

Ing. Jan Mejzr

IT Manager

Baseline and project objectives

From 2008 to 2020, the customer used the old version of NAV 2005, which was fully sufficient for basic accounting operations. However, the system was never fully implemented and so was limited to bookkeeping management only and all other parts were kept in excel or on paper. He opted for the new system mainly after the end of support for the old version, the vision of automating the flow of documents between in-house companies and the possibility of using modern mobile technology, which the old version no longer supported.

The main objectives of the project were to speed up and make more transparent the acquisition of information on the performance of individual companies, to obtain adequate data for measuring performance and quality of work, as well as to consolidate data across the holding companies and to prepare data for managerial outputs. Automation of document exchange between production and trading companies of the holding was a prerequisite for a functional solution.


  • Automated document flow between companies with reduced risk of errors.
  • Coverage of all corporate processes of the holding within one system.
  • Performance of staff and production resources monitored continuously.
  • Unified data across all group companies.
  • Data for reporting and management evaluation immediately available at all levels and across all companies.


The solution was to cover the sales processes of all the companies in the group, which are divided into production and sales. The specificity of the sales of agricultural products that had to be addressed was the moment of issuing delivery notes only with regard to the actual quantity delivered. Furthermore, pricing also depended on the final price agreed with the end customer. Pricing in the group is then determined on the basis of defined margins and is therefore the reverse of that in other types of company.

The sales documents between the companies in the chain are interlinked and their generation is automated according to the order status. For example, a sales order in a trading company means a purchase order against a sales cooperative. In the sales cooperative, analogously a sales order to the trading company and a purchase order to the production company.

The process setup in Dynamics 365 Business Central fully addresses the coverage of the two main branches of purchasing. The first is internal purchasing from companies, which is automated as part of the sales cycle execution. The second is the purchase of materials for production, which is done by users based on experience and estimates. The second type of purchasing is a standardised process where material is received into stock and then consumed in production.

Warehouse and production
Warehouse management has been streamlined with the use of a mobile app and readers to speed up work and provide the basis for online records of labour deduction at each stage of production.

The Dynamics 365 Business Central solution covers several types of production that take place in a group of companies. Also within production, the performance of individual employees is tracked for both payroll and reporting purposes. In addition, the profitability of individual production sources, i.e. fields, is tracked.

Finance and accounting
This area of group-wide processes is handled by standard functionalities included in the Czech localization of Dynamics 365 Business Central. These include, among other things, the registration of bank statements and orders, cash documents, credits, etc. Furthermore, there is also a cost accounting module for allocating indirect costs associated with cost centres, i.e. centres. Within the sales process, where documents are exchanged at the order, delivery, invoice level, the accounting processes have been covered by the in-house accounting functionality.

Data exchange between group companies
Due to the requirement to automate activities between companies in the chain, it was also necessary to automate and centralise some data. The centralisation is broken down into the centralisation of codebooks and the subsequent exchange of individual business data.

Complex electronic data interchange - EDI communication - is used for the flow of information between the companies.

Used technologies

  • Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • AC ProBI


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