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#1 in Enterprise IT

We have joined the EDIH NORTHEAST BOHEMIA consortium’s digitalization project

Prague, July 7, 2023 - EDIH NEB supports small and medium-sized enterprises and public administrations when adopting digital technologies, thus increasing their efficiency and competitiveness in the future. The project aims to build a European digital innovation hub in the Liberec and Hradec Kralové regions.

The Regional Development Agency​ is the project leader and it works as a consortium in cooperation with Aricoma, the Technical University in Liberec, the Research Institute of Textile Machines, the Centre for Investment, Development and Innovation, the University of Hradec Králové and the National Cluster Association. 

What services does the project offer in the field of digitization?

A comprehensive service in all phases of digitalization, from the initial idea to the final results. An identification of the options, solution design, testing. 
  • For companies and public administration organizations that want to address current challenges by introducing digital technologies, regardless of their proficiency in digitalization. 
Educational themed events focused on digital skills, from basic to advanced.
  • For all those in the innovation ecosystem - startups, companies, public administration organizations, academic and commercial research institutes.
Connecting companies and public administration organizations that need new technology solutions on the one hand, with companies that have modern solutions ready to be used in real life on the other. 
  • ​For all those in the innovation ecosystem - startups, companies, public administration organizations, academic and commercial research institutes.
Assistance with searching for and processing grant calls from regional, national and European sources that involve the digitalization of companies and organizations. 
  • ​​​For companies and public administration organizations that have resolved to digitalize, have ideas or specific plans and are now seeking options to cover part of the costs from public sources. 
Take advantage of the digital clinic and arrange a free appointment at your convenience with experts on a topic you have chosen. For more information on the project and the services offered, click here and follow all the latest project news on LinkedIn​. ​

Media contact

Michal Malysa

Head of Brand and Communications