#1  In Enterprise IT

We reduce manual work and speed up invoice and contract turnover for Heineken Slovakia

The deployment of a solution using OpenText for invoice and contract processing, which is integrated into the SAP environment, brought HEINEKEN Slovakia increased availability and time reduced document processing costs.

Realization 2012

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Customer profile

Heineken Slovakia is one of the leading Slovak breweries. The company manages complex operations - from the processing of grain in the Hurbanovo malting plant to the production and distribution of world-class beer and cider brands. Since 1995, Heineken Slovakia has been part of Heineken N.V., the largest brewing group in Europe and the second largest in the world.

The project of electronic approval and archiving of contracts helped to optimize the processes of preparing investment contracts and at the same time to reduce the time required for the preparation of each investment contract.

The system also offers added value in the sense of simple and clear archiving of contracts in a single central database, their easy retrieval, including a record of all changes made. The set-up of the system is user-friendly for every user who comes into contact with it, which leads to an increase in staff efficiency.

Michal Chudík

Sales Support Manager, Heineken Slovensko

Baseline and project objectives

Before the project began, the client faced several key challenges. The accumulation of invoices in bottlenecks and manual processing posed a risk of delayed payments. Lengthy and non-transparent approval processes, via emails and paper documentation, were complicating business efficiency. Unmanaged document transfer processes between departments led to information losses.

Costly and inefficient processing of incoming invoices was an additional financial burden. The risks associated with unsecured access to documents could put sensitive client information at risk. The possibility of document loss due to the absence of a filing system posed an additional threat to the reliable operation of company processes. Overall, prior to project implementation, the firm was exposed to a complex range of problems associated with manual document processing and lack of transparency in business processes.


  • Significant reduction of manual work and acceleration of document processing and circulation
  • Reduction of paper burden due to computerisation of invoice and contract circulation
  • Real-time overview of investment documents
  • Quick and easy access to all documents
  • Reduced implementation time and data reading errors thanks to intelligent OCR
  • Increased security of sensitive information


We successfully implemented the project with the aim of optimizing and modernizing the company's processes. One of the main steps was the unification of templates and processes for creating investment contracts. The new system allows contracts to be created using templates and then routed to the relevant staff via workflow. This allows contracts to be completed, commented on and approved efficiently. An important feature is also a clear record of the version and revision history of documents, which contributes to the transparency of company operations.

In another part of the project we addressed the introduction of a secure archive. All processed contracts and invoices, together with supporting documents and scanned signed originals, are systematically stored in a directory structure. This archiving is done securely and access to the documents is controlled according to specified user access rights.

The automation of the invoice processing process was achieved by implementing the OpenText Capture Center OCR system. This system enables automatic reading of header data from received invoices in paper and PDF form. Thanks to the use of machine learning technology, this system achieves a significantly higher success rate compared to other systems.

The integration of OpenText Content Suite Platform with SAP was a key element in speeding up the company's processes. This integration delivers instant invoice recording in SAP and provides users with an overview of invoice status. Each user can work with the system using its native application, which increases the efficiency of the accounting department and regular users in a web browser.

A detailed description of the implemented project is described here.

Used technologies

  • OpenText Content Suite Platform
  • OpenText Capture Center
  • Invoice book


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