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#1 in Enterprise IT connected to the Citizen Portal

The application is part of the technical inspection information system managed by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic.

Realization 2021

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The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic is the central authority of the state administration in transport matters. It is responsible for the development of state policy in this area and, within the scope of its competence, for its implementation.

AUTOCONT has already created a useful application for the Ministry of Transport in 2014 and has currently linked it to the Citizen Portal. With this activity, the Ministry of Transport is trying to gradually publish to the citizen all the data on vehicles to which they are legally entitled. Based on the knowledge of the body number (VIN), the application will show the mileage at the time the vehicle passed the technical inspection. It is also possible to view the mileage history of all technical inspections and further information is in the pipeline. When the vehicle is sold, all this can be used as information on the authenticity of the mileage data. This is certainly a good example where, thanks to the increased digitisation of the state, the citizen is getting information that he would not have had a chance to obtain before.

Ing. Bc. Ivan Novák

Director of the Road Vehicle Traffic Department

Baseline and project objectives

The Citizen Portal is one of the components of the Public Administration Portal, which was launched in July 2018. On the Citizen Portal, the citizen has his/her own account to which he/she can log in using eIdentity or Data Box. Through his/her account, he/she can apply for online public administration services. If he/she also has a Data Box connected, he/she can communicate electronically with the authorities and if he/she is logged in using eIdentity, he/she can go to other public administration portals without further logging in.

As an additional service on the Citizen Portal, the application has been added to check the mileage of the vehicle.


  • Overview of the vehicle's mileage history
  • Basis for proving the authenticity of the data when selling the vehicle


This is a defined web interface that displays data from the technical inspection database of the IS TP application. The transfer of technical inspection data is performed once a day after the end of the working day. The number of queries made to is on average 150,000 queries per month.


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