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#1 in Enterprise IT

Data Analysis and reporting

We have years of experience in a variety of BI and data-driven projects to help you get the most out of your business data. Together, we will uncover the gaps in your business and turn them to your advantage.

Use data to operate efficiently

Data analytics is not just about tools. It's about taking a deep look at data, understanding your business or your company's processes, and identifying what specifically we are or could be looking for within the data.

The key is to ensure that the analytics reflect the strategy and current company needs. Using advanced statistical methods and BI applications, we can discover not only a general overview of what's going on in the data, but also deeper connections and patterns.

Tools for data analysis

We use technologies such as Qlik® and Microsoft Power BI to create interactive management reports and overviews. We apply advanced data analytics and predictions using robust analytics tools for deeper data insight and decision making at both operational and strategic levels.

Tailored operational reports

We can create tailored operational or management reports that can work with integrated data from finance, production, inventory or resource utilization data.

The generation of operational reports can be set up for specific levels of the organization - by segment, workplace, user expertise, etc.

We can create open dashboards that allow you to expand to your other operating segments, and in addition, can create ad hoc detailed analysis of indicators.
Our platforms are user-friendly, as it is therefore commonplace to create additional analyses and reports without depending on programmers.


  • Solution with easy further development
  • Create in-house reports and analyses
  • Data analysis from many integrated systems
  • Advanced data analysis capability
  • Consultation with our experts


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