#1  In Enterprise IT

XDR Solution as a Service (XDRSaaS)

XDRaaS provides you with security in the form of services with lower operational costs, fast implementation and scalability to meet your needs.

Main features of XDR

Extensive data collection
XDR integrates various data sources from across the IT environment, including endpoints, networks, servers, cloud services and more. This enables a comprehensive view of the network traffic and its activity.

Data analysis and correlation
XDR performs sophisticated analysis and correlation of data from multiple sources to identify suspicious behaviour patterns, unusual events, and potential threats. This enables early detection of advanced attacks.

Threat detection
Based on data analysis, XDR identifies potential threats and generates alerts for the cyber teams. Detection includes features of known and unknown threats and relies on machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.

XDR includes not only detection, but also proactive response to threats. This can include automatically isolating compromised systems, blocking dangerous communications and other security measures.

Integration with other tools
XDR often enables integration with existing security management tools, improving the coordination and efficiency of the cyber teams when responding to threats.

Visualization and reporting
XDR users have access to data visualizations and reports that help with understanding the current security situation and facilitate strategic decision-making.


  • A broader view of threats and the ability to intercept attacks at different points within the infrastructure
  • Early detection through data analysis and correlation
  • Faster and automated response to threats
  • Reduced need for manual analysis and alert generation
  • Better use of your cyber team's time and resources
  • Rapid implementation and enhanced detection and response capabilities


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